As wonderful as our jewelry and watch collections may be, our true secret to success is that we have an incredible group of professionals, each specializing in different aspects of business, who together form a rock-star quality group. A group that has become our second family.
We have learned over the years how important it is to enjoy being with your coworkers. In fact, last fall we had our first staff holiday party in years, and we had forgotten how much fun it was to just get together and eat and laugh and talk… after all, we can’t all take lunch at the same time!
Within our extended family we have many specialists. Specialists in watches, diamonds, pearls, and color gemstones. Specialists in Crystal and Gift items, helping clients not only with gift giving, but with home décor, lighting, corporate giving and more. Specialists in jewelry repair, watch repair and appraising. Specialists in bookkeeping, shipping, greeting, and gift wrapping. Not all of us are good at tying a beautiful bow, but we know just who to ask for help! And I am happy to say that we are there for each other!!!

Burlingame has been an incredible backdrop for Kerns for almost 80 years. First on Burlingame Avenue, then on Park Road and now on Lorton Avenue for almost 15 years, Kerns is not just a destination for incredible luxury goods, but a destination to say hi, share jokes and visit with friends old and new.
Just last week we had the opportunity to meet in the store with old friends that we hadn’t seen for years. They moved across the country, in which time their daughter has grown about 2 feet. The reunion was full of love and laughter and catching up on years of growth and changes. That is what a hometown business is all about; generations of friendships that last a lifetime.
Next time you are in Burlingame, we look forward to seeing you (by appointment, of course) and catching up with you, or meeting you, whichever the case may be. We look forward to spending time together!